Welcome to Saint Paul Parish

saintpaulPlease take a moment to browse our parish website. You will find we are a welcoming community, trying to live each day as the Lord wishes us to do. Our parish has many varied groups and organizations, giving each a chance to learn, give back and grow in knowledge and love for our Catholic faith, and, each other.

In a word, never let go of these three things: Faith, Hope and Love. And know that the greatest of these is Love.
~ St. Paul 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Mission Statement

Baptized in Jesus, we the parishioners of St. Paul respond to the call of Christ. Loving God, and praying with one another, especially through the Mass and the Sacraments. Proclaiming and sharing our Faith and Mission in Jesus the Christ. Assisting those in need by seeing Christ present in each person. Creating unity through Christ by nourishing, empowering, and involving one another. Teaching the message of Christ to all by word and by daily personal witness. May God bless us, placing our efforts in hands greater than our own.