
organizationsAltar Servers
Children and Youth from the fourth to eighth grades are invited to be servers, serving Sundays, Holydays, and Special Occasions throughout the year.  Please call Father McFadden – 610.279.6725 to volunteer.

Altar Society
Our work consists of dusting the altar furniture which includes the pews and book holders, the Stations of the Cross, confessionals, vacuuming, and cleaning the windows on all the doors.  Special times of the year we do extra cleaning to assure the beauty of our Church.  For further information and questions, please call Sandy Pfanders – 610.275.8250.

Bible Study
The Saint Paul Bible Study welcomes anyone who would like to grow deeper in knowledge and understanding of the bible and our Catholic faith, in an atmosphere of fellowship and sharing.  The current study focuses on the Sunday Mass readings, enhanced by learning how to use the bible and the historical context for the readings.  The group meets Wednesday evenings 7:30 – 9:00 pm, from September to May.  For more information call Lucy Boardway – 610.246.5535 or email her at

The tradition of singing during mass began with the early Christians.  Although music has changed over the last 2000 years, the tradition remains and is considered to be an integral part of our liturgy.  The purpose of our choir is to enhance special liturgies and encourage congregational singing.  We usually sing together at the 10:30 Sunday Mass on Holydays and feast days and at the vigil of Holyday obligations.  For the most special services, we are joined by instrumentalists—soprano saxophone, trumpet, and flute—and we have a videographer who has chronicled the last twenty years of rehearsals and masses.  When Saint Paul welcomes other parishes to join us for the Fatima Procession and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we are there to lead the voices of those who wish to pray in song.  We are a dedicated group—many have been members for more than twenty years—who meet for rehearsals on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 pm, with a break for the summer.  Our repertoire includes chant and traditional music as well as modern works, some with intricate rhythms and harmonies.  When the choir is not scheduled to sing, members are encouraged to spread out over the three-weekend masses and use their voices to encourage those around them to sing, and their ears to listen for singers who might be invited to join.  New members are always welcome.  Anyone wishing to sing with us should call Harriet Spinka (cantor/choir director) or e-mail Harriet Spinka – 215.638.0503 or

The Catholic Youth Organization is a parish-based program available to all the children of our parish here at Saint Paul R.C. Church, whether they attend Holy Rosary Regional School, private or public school.  It provides opportunities for our youth to grow in faith and to have a better understanding of their Church.  The C.Y.O. is a five-phase approach to youth ministry—athletic, social, cultural, service, spiritual which involves youth from grades five through twelve in youth-related activities and programs.  Some of the sports we are involved in are volleyball, football, basketball, softball, and baseball.  For further information please call Jeffrey Schools ~ Athletic Director – 610.272.9772 or

Knights of Columbus
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference.  Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age or older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their Church.  Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

Extraordinary Ministers & Lectors
Extraordinary Ministers are men and women who assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion to those gathered at Mass.  Selected Extraordinary Ministers take Holy Communion to the sick, or homebound as requested or approved by the Pastor.  Lectors proclaim God’s Word as messengers sharing and serving in the work of the Lord’s Spirit so that the Word challenges, confronts, and captures the hearts of His people so all will understand His message.  These are only two of the rewarding ministries of parish life here at Saint Paul.

The Ushers are a very important part of the Church ministry here at Saint Paul.  They are the first impression of the parish when people arrive for Mass each weekend.  Their role is to greet those who come to Mass, help with seating, handle the collections, and make sure the Sunday Bulletin is available to everyone after the Mass.  We welcome both men and women to join this ministry.  For further information please call Steve Carey – 610.272.5299.

Women’s Guild
Women’s Guild is a faith, fellowship & service-based organization that comes together in support of the St. Paul Parish Community.  Members are a diverse group of individuals who bring their own talents & treasures to the mix and while there is much work to be done, our spirits are renewed by the company we keep, the inevitable fun we share, and the support we offer each other.  The major events sponsored by the Guild each year include Martin Luther King Day of Service (Jan), Parish Social /Family Bingo (Jan),  Super Bowl Bake Sale (Feb), White Elephant / Attic Treasures Event (Mar), Designer Bag Bingo (April & October),  Mini Christmas Bazaar (Nov), as well as  Palm Workshops & Sales.  The Guild is also active with other various parish events including Missions, Clerical visits, and support of the Knights of Columbus events.  All are welcome whether you want to participate in one event or all of our activities. For further information please call Liz Pilacik – 610.324.7921.

President – Liz Pilacik
Vice President – Donna Gentile
Treasurer – Barbara Kennedy
Secretary – Mary Beth Tobin