By virtue of Baptism, you have a voice in the Church, and she wishes to hear you.
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the local synodal process. Archbishop Pérez is inviting all Catholics to attend an engagement session offered in English and Spanish throughout the archdiocese in March and April. Participants can attend any of the 26 engagement sessions held at a variety of times and locations, including nine sessions offered virtually on Zoom and 16 sessions offered in-person at parishes throughout the greater five-county area. Registration is required. For more information or to register, go to
Listening sessions at the local, regional and archdiocesan levels will take place this spring, both in-person and virtually. Each session will be led by trained facilitators from our communities.
Register for a regional synodal session in person or virtually using the link below.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Synod Sessions
Disciple Maker Index Survey
Each diocese will carry out the Synodal Process in a way that best responds to their local circumstances. In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, we are working with Catholic Leadership Institute to implement the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) survey at every parish in the Archdiocese from March 2 to April 4, 2022. The DMI survey is a nationally recognized survey administered at parishes around the United States and Canada since 2013 by The Catholic Leadership Institute. The results from this survey will provide baseline feedback that will be added to the feedback received through the engagement sessions in March and April. Maximum participation will be encouraged through all Archdiocesan structures and communication channels to involve the greatest number of people as possible.
Take the Disciple Maker Index survey using the link below.
Catholic Leadership Institute Disciple Maker Index Survey link